Territorio - Podere ai Valloni

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Immagine di un temporale sulla collina di San Grato al Podere ai Valloni
The region of Boca, in the Province of Novara, extends across the hills that divide the entrance of the Sesia Valley from Lake Orta, an area locally known as Cusio. The name of our winery (‘I Valloni’ – the large valleys) was inspired by the term used since ancient times to refer to the large amphitheatre of hills and wooden valleys. We are located on a summit with beautiful views of both the Alpine mountain range and the Piedmont and Lombardy plains. The 18th century Sanctuary of the Holy Cross, designed by renowned architect Antonelli and regularly visited by hundreds of devoted pilgrims, is just a short distance below.

Costanza e Ruggero in vigna al Podere ai Valloni con la mamma Anna Sertorio
Grappolo di nebbiolo
PODERE AI VALLONI SRL Società Agricola e Vitivinicola - Via Traversagna,1 - 28010 Boca (NO)
P. IVA: 04527960019 - tel. 0322.87332
Dicitura OCM
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Società Agricola e Vitivinicola
Via Traversagna,1 - 28010 Boca (NO)
P. IVA: 04527960019 - tel. 0322.87332

PODERE AI VALLONI SRL Società Agricola e Vitivinicola - Via Traversagna,1 - 28010 Boca (NO)
P. IVA: 04527960019 - tel. 0322.87332
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