Podere ai Valloni - Inglese

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A love for wines and for the land around Boca, in Italy’s Piedmont region, have become intertwined in starting this family business.

The rural residence is located on a hill overlooking the vineyards.
It is built around a remodelled 17th century observatory that was later extended.

The surrounding woods of Mount Fenera Natural Park, the hills and the silence of nature are witnesses of the care taken when cultivating the land, to produce an intentionally limited 12.000 bottles per year.
Here, the vines and the wine are both rooted in history.
The Gaelic-Celts, even before the arrival of the Romans, already cultivated the vineyards and made wine.

Two hundred years ago, nobleman Finazzi first introduced Nebbiolo grapes to our hillside and he established the first professional winery in the area, structured along ridges from East to West.

In 1980, Guido and Cristiana Sertorio fell in love with these places,which were abandoned and deeply ruined, and they decided to take over the residence and the vineyard and to restore them, giving birth to Vigna Cristiana.
We endeavour to be good environmental artisans.
First of all, this means to us looking after the history, the old vines, the historic buildings, the surrounding woods, with the purpose to create a reality in tune with the biosphere.

We have never used chemical herbicides or insecticides and, from 2011, we work our land according to the certified principles of the organic agriculture.

Our vineyard is rooted upon the Valsesia Supervolcano’s rocks, which traced back 300 million years ago.
They are mainly formed by porphyry rocks with the characteristic red-purple colour and they donate the unique features of elegance and minerality to our wines.
Società Agricola e Vitivinicola
P. IVA: 04527960019
Via Traversagna,1 - 28010 Boca (NO)
tel. 0322-87332

Società Agricola e Vitivinicola
P. IVA: 04527960019
Via Traversagna 1 - 28010 Boca  (NO)
Tel. +39 0322 87 332

Società Agricola e Vitivinicola - P. IVA: 04527960019
Via Traversagna,1 - 28010 Boca (NO)
tel. 0322-87332
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